Oko 11.10 sati novi je potres zatresao Zagreb.
EMSC je objavio da je magnituda potresa u 11,12 sati bila 3,7 po
Richteru. Epicentar mu je bio na dubini od 10 kilometara, 8
kilometara jugozapadno od Kašine i 4 kilometra sjeverno od
✔@LastQuake· 15mFelt
#earthquake (#potres)
M3.7 strikes 4 km NW of Zagreb – Centar (#Croatia)
9 min ago. Please report to: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=841054 …
#earthquake strikes 4 km NW
of Zagreb – Centar (#Croatia)
9 min ago. Effects reported by eyewitnesses: