Zanima vas kako izgleda Hrvatska iz zemljine orbite - pogledajte fotografije

Zanima vas kako izgleda Hrvatska iz zemljine orbite - pogledajte fotografije

Američka ambasada u Zagrebu u četvrtak organizira Facebook Live s Marshom Ivins, bivšom austronautkinjom NASA-e, piše portal N1.

Marsha Irvins provela je više od 1.300 sati u svemiru i bila je na pet misija, a za Facebook Live poslala je fotografiju Hrvatske iz svemira.

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Ona će govoriti o povijesti letova u svemir i podijeliti neke manje poznate informacije o životu u svemiru te odgovarati na pitanja publike.




This Thursday join our special Facebook Live featuring Marsha Ivins, a former @nasa astronaut who flew on five space shuttle missions and has spent more than 1,300 hours in space. Marsha will discuss the amazing history of human #spaceflight, share some lesser known facts about life in #space, and answer your questions. �‍�� If you even dreamed about being an astronaut or just want to know more about #humanspaceflight, you’ll want to join us for this event! See you this Thursday, 15:00 on Facebook Live! On top of that, Marsha was kind enough to send us pictures of #Croatia from outer space! � Slide over and have a look at these #Croatiancities. Do you recognize the cities? ��

A post shared by U.S. Embassy Croatia (@usembassycroatia) on Jul 14, 2020 at 8:05am PDT


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